
ROTA is one of the world's leading manufacturers of silicon carbide(SiC) and aluminium oxide(Al2O3) under the trade name DGJ, and ROTA is also an important manufacturer and expert of bonded abrasives, coated abrasives and specialty refractory products for the ceramics, metallurgy, foundry, chemical, petrochemical, power generation, waste processing and glass making industry.   ROTA , estalished in 1996, has production and support facilities in Zibo, Shandong and Lianyungang, Jiangsu. The ROTA abrasives & Refractory plants have a long history of delivering hi... MORE>>
No.22, Changjiang Road, Xinpu Development Zone Lianyungang, Jiangsu, 222000, P.R.China
Tel: (86)518-85287590 Fax: (86)518-85287591


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